module anomian;
import arch.node.types.basics open public;
import arch.node.types.identities open;
import arch.node.types.messages open hiding {EngineMsg; mkEngineMsg; Mailbox};
type EngineStatus :=
| Running
| Dead
| Suspended;
syntax alias EnglishPayload := String;
syntax alias FrenchPayload := String;
syntax alias SpanishPayload := String;
type AnomianMsgInterface :=
| AnomianMsgEnglish@{
msg : EnglishPayload;
| AnomianMsgFrench@{
msg : FrenchPayload;
type JordanMsgInterface :=
| JordanMsgEnglish@{
msg : EnglishPayload;
| JordanMsgSpanish@{
msg : SpanishPayload;
helloAnomian : AnomianMsgInterface :=
msg := "Hello!";
type MsgInterface :=
| MsgAnomian AnomianMsgInterface
| MsgJordan JordanMsgInterface;
syntax alias Timeout := Nat;
type CommunicationPattern :=
| FireAndForget
| RequestReply@{
timeout : Option Timeout;
| PubSub;
type EngineMsgKind :=
| Request
| Reply
| Notify;
type EngineCfg C :=
parent : Option EngineID;
name : EngineName;
node : NodeID;
cfg : C;
axiom localhost : NodeID;
simpleConfig : EngineCfg Unit :=
parent := none;
name := "Anomian";
node := localhost;
cfg := unit;
JordanID : EngineID := mkPair (some localhost) "Jordan9121";
AnomianID : EngineID := mkPair (some localhost) "Anomian184";
type EngineMsg M :=
sender : EngineID;
target : EngineID;
mailbox : Option MailboxID;
pattern : CommunicationPattern;
kind : EngineMsgKind;
msg : M;
jordanToAnomian : EngineMsg MsgInterface :=
sender := JordanID;
target := AnomianID;
mailbox := some 1;
pattern :=
timeout := none;
kind := Request;
msg :=
msg := "What is the meaning of life?";
anomianToJordan : EngineMsg MsgInterface :=
sender := AnomianID;
target := JordanID;
mailbox := some 1;
pattern := FireAndForget;
kind := Reply;
msg :=
msg := "The meaning of life is 42.";
type Mailbox S M :=
messages : List (EngineMsg M);
mailboxState : Option S;
MailboxCluster (S M : Type) : Type := Map MailboxID (Mailbox S M);
AddressBook : Type := Set EngineName;
type EngineEnv S Msg :=
state : S;
mailbox : MailboxCluster S Msg;
acq : AddressBook;
axiom ReturnSomething : Type;
Handler (M S : Type) : Type := M -> EngineEnv S M -> ReturnSomething;
syntax alias TimeTrigger := Nat;
type Effect S E M :=
| SendMsg@{
msg : EngineMsg M;
| UpdateState@{
state : S;
| SpawnEngine@{
engine : E;
| Chain@{
effects : List (Effect S E M);
| Schedule@{
trigger : TimeTrigger;
action : Effect S E M;
Guard (S M C R : Type) : Type :=
EngineMsg M -> EngineEnv S M -> EngineCfg C -> Option R;
{S M C R}
(guard : Guard S M C R)
(msg : EngineMsg M)
(env : EngineEnv S M)
(cfg : EngineCfg C)
: Bool :=
case guard msg env cfg of
| none := false
| some _ := true;
type GuardStrategy :=
| FirstGuard
| LastGuard
| OneGuard
| UniqueGuard
| AllGuards;
type GuardEval S M C R :=
guards : List (Guard S M C R);
strategy : GuardStrategy;
EngineBehaviour (S E M C R : Type) : Type := GuardEval S M C R -> Effect S E M;
type Engine (S E M C R : Type) :=
status : EngineStatus;
cfg : EngineCfg C;
state : EngineEnv S M;
behavior : EngineBehaviour S E M C R;