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Anoma's implementation is structured as a set of communication engines. An engine can be understood as a deterministic logical process operating within a trusted domain, and can be characterised as a function, parameterised over a state type, input message type, and output message type, taking a tuple of the current state and a set of input messages, and returning a tuple of a new state and a set of output messages.

This interface is compositional, where two engines can be combined by routing specific messages to and from each other, to form a third engine which is a specific composition of the two.


Specify this further.

Structuring the implementation as a composition of engines has many benefits:

  • A clean separation of concerns between different areas of concern in the protocol (e.g. network layer interfacing, consensus message processing, signature generation).

  • Easier upgrades, as engine implementations can be independently upgraded as long as interface properties (at the level of the engine function as above) are still satisfied.

  • The possibility of hot reloading. Typiucally, engines can be hot reloaded as long as interface properties are still satisfied and state is appropriately transferred - messages are just queued.

  • Different engines can be property tested and formally verified independently, since they have independently articulated properties. Testing and verification of engine compositions can build on these efforts.

  • A natural mapping to separate physical processors or machines. Engines are assumed to operate within a single trust domain, but can otherwise be separated and run in parallel, in the form of separate cores on the same physical machine, multiple physical machines across a network boundary, etc.

Important notes:

  • Engines are logical processes, not physical ones. Any mapping of logical to physical processes is possible as long as the logical properties are adhered to.


note: typhon and taiga


Typhon stores, orders, and executes transactions on Anoma blockchains. It is intended as a replacement for Tendermint. We have a brief overview presentation of some of the features of Typhon here.

Typhon can be broken down into three engines:

  • a mempool, which receives transaction requests and stores them

  • a consensus, which orders transaction requests collected by the mempool, and

  • an execution engine, which executes the transactions on the state machine.

We expect each Anoma participant (validator) will run processes for all three engines. layer diagram Above, a client can be a solver, ferveo, or anyone else who generates transactions to be ordered. The critical path of the protocol is shown in thicker arrows, with other crucial messages shown in narrower arrows.

  • Mempool: Validators receive transactions from clients, store them, and make them available for the execution engine to read. The mempool protocol, which is based on Narwhal also produces a DAG of headers, which reference batches of transactions (via hash), and contain certificates of availability of transaction data. These headers are ultimately what the consensus decides on, in order to establish a total order of transactions for the execution engine. Read more here.

  • Consensus: Our consensus is based on Heterogeneous Paxos. Validators choose a totally ordered sequence of headers from the mempool DAG. This establishes a total order of transactions for the execution engine to execute. Read more here.

  • Execution Engine: Given a total order of transactions, the execution engine updates and stores the "current" state , using as much concurrency as possible.

Proofs from the execution engine allow light clients to read the current state. When the execution engine has processed a transaction, it communicates to the mempool that the transaction can data can be garbage-collected from storage. Read more here.