Local Key-Value Storage Engine¶
The Local Key-Value Storage Engine provides the local storage and retrieval of data in a key-value format.
Messages received¶
Find stored data by its key in the KV-store and return the value.
Records with fields:
Storage Key
: StorageKeyV1
The key that maps to the requested value in the KV-store.
Records with fields:
Storage Key
: StorageKeyV1
The key that maps to the requested value in the KV-store.
Storage Value
: StorageValueV1
The requested value in the KV-store.
Add a piece of data to the KV store by adding its key and the corresponding value. If the key already exists, override the value.
Records with fields:
Storage Key
: StorageKeyV1
The key that that identifies the piece of data in the KV-store.
Storage Value
: StorageValueV1
The corresponding value that needs to be added to the KV-store.
Records with fields:
Storage Key
: StorageKeyV1
The key that that identifies the piece of data in the KV-store.
Success Operation
: SuccessOperationV1
The success of the operation, indicating that the KV-pair was stored successfully or not.
Prevent actors capable of sending read requests to the Storage Engine to be able to read a previously set value for a specified key.
Records with fields:
Storage Key
: StorageKeyV1
The key that that identifies the piece of data that should be removed from the KV-store.
Records with fields:
Storage Key
: StorageKeyV1
The key that that identifies the piece of data in the KV-store.
Success Operation
: SuccessOperationV1
The success of the operation, indicating that the KV-pair was deleted successfully or not.
Notifications sent¶
When the value in the KV-store changes, engines interested in this information get notified.
Records with fields:
Storage Key
: StorageKeyV1
The key that that identifies the changed piece of data in the KV-store.
Storage Value
: StorageValueV1
The corresponding value that needs to be recorded in the KV-store.
Epoch Timestamp
: EpochTimestamp
The wall clock time of the moment the value was changed.
Message Flow¶
%% --8<-- [start:sequence]
Any Local Engine ->>+ Local KV Storage Engine: GetValueKVStoreRequest
Local KV Storage Engine -->>- Any Local Engine: GetValueKVStoreResponse
Any Local Engine ->>+ Local KV Storage Engine: SetValueKVStoreRequest
Local KV Storage Engine -->>- Any Local Engine: SetValueKVStoreResponse
Any Local Engine ->>+ Local KV Storage Engine: DeleteValueKVStoreRequest
Local KV Storage Engine -->>- Any Local Engine: DeleteValueKVStoreResponse
%% --8<-- [end:sequence]
(Wiki) links on this page
- GetValueKVStoreRequest
- GetValueKVStoreRequestV1
- StorageKeyV1
- GetValueKVStoreResponseV1
- StorageKeyV1
- StorageValueV1
- SetValueKVStoreRequest
- SetValueKVStoreRequestV1
- StorageKeyV1
- StorageValueV1
- SetValueKVStoreResponseV1
- StorageKeyV1
- SuccessOperationV1
- DeleteValueKVStoreRequest
- DeleteValueKVStoreRequestV1
- StorageKeyV1
- DeleteValueKVStoreResponseV1
- StorageKeyV1
- SuccessOperationV1
- ValueChangedKVStore
- StorageKeyV1
- StorageValueV1