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Juvix imports

module arch.node.engines.decryption_environment;

import prelude open;
import arch.node.engines.decryption_messages open;
import arch.node.types.engine_environment open;
import arch.node.types.identities open;
import arch.node.types.messages open;
import arch.system.identity.identity open using {Decryptor; mkDecryptor};

Decryption Environment


Each Decryption Engine instance is associated with a specific identity and handles decryption requests for that identity. The environment maintains the necessary state for decryption operations.

Mailbox states

The Decryption Engine does not require complex mailbox states. We define the mailbox state as Unit.

syntax alias DecryptionMailboxState := Unit;

Local state

The local state of a Decryption Engine instance includes the identity's decryption capabilities.

type DecryptionLocalState :=
mkDecryptionLocalState {
decryptor : Decryptor Backend Plaintext Ciphertext;
backend : Backend

Timer Handle

syntax alias DecryptionTimerHandle := Unit;

The Decryption Engine does not require a timer handle type. Therefore, we define the timer handle type as Unit.

Environment summary

DecryptionEnvironment : Type :=

Example of a Decryption environment

decryptionEnvironmentExample : DecryptionEnvironment :=
name := "decryption";
localState :=
decryptor :=
decrypt := \ {_ x := some x}
backend := BackendLocalMemory
mailboxCluster := Map.empty;
acquaintances := Set.empty;
timers := []