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Juvix imports

module arch.node.engines.encryption_environment;

import prelude open;
import arch.node.engines.encryption_messages open;
import arch.node.types.engine_environment open;
import arch.node.types.identities open;
import arch.node.types.messages open;
import arch.system.identity.identity open hiding {ExternalIdentity};

Encryption Engine Environment


The Encryption Engine is stateless and does not maintain any internal state between requests. It relies on external information (like the reads_for relationships) for its operations.

Mailbox states

The Encryption Engine does not require complex mailbox states. We define the mailbox state as Unit.

syntax alias EncryptionMailboxState := Unit;

Local state

The local state of an Encryption Engine instance includes the identity's encryption capabilities, the address of an associated ReadsFor engine, and a specific backend. It also contains a map to a list of pending requests which require ReadsFor information which is requested from the associated ReadsFor engine.

type EncryptionLocalState :=
mkEncryptionLocalState {
encryptor : Set ReadsForEvidence
-> ExternalIdentity
-> Encryptor ByteString Backend Plaintext Ciphertext;
backend : Backend;
readsForEngineAddress : EngineID;
pendingRequests : Map ExternalIdentity (List (Pair EngineID Plaintext))

Timer Handle

syntax alias EncryptionTimerHandle := Unit;

The Encryption Engine does not require a timer handle type. Therefore, we define the timer handle type as Unit.

Environment summary

EncryptionEnvironment : Type :=

Example of an Encryption environment

encryptionEnvironmentExample : EncryptionEnvironment :=
name := "encryption";
localState :=
encryptor :=
\ {_ _ :=
encrypt := \ {_ x := x};
encryptorHash :=
ordKey :=
compare := Ord.cmp
hash := \ {x := 0}
backend := BackendLocalMemory;
readsForEngineAddress := mkPair none (some "Blah");
pendingRequests := Map.empty
mailboxCluster := Map.empty;
acquaintances := Set.empty;
timers := []