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Ordering Machine



The ordering machine is a set of communicating engines that collaborate in


In full generality, Anoma nodes form a distributed system that implements a transaction processing system (TPS) and a replicated state machine (RSM). This state machine must represent all anoma state, including commitments and nullifiers. The Ordering Machine, however, does not need to understand the full complexity of the anoma state: only that it can be represented as a Key Value Store, where transaction candidates each read some (arbitrary) data from keys, and can write some (arbitrary) data to keys. We outline the full requirements of the abstraction boundary with the State Machine in the Execution Engines page.

In V1, the implementation is running on a single physical machine. As a consequence the consensus problem is trivial. Roughly, in V1, we only have the machine that is going to be replicated from V2 onward.


We start by describing the overall structure of the ordering machine while the details of the protocol and the functionality of the engines is described in the respective pages. The collection of all engines of the ordering machine is organized into three groups:

We mention the consensus engine, because it is one of the most important components from V2 onward, although it is not present in V1.


Transaction requests trigger transaction processing. Users or Solvers send transaction requests to the ordering machine: more specifically, to a worker engine. The ordering machine will eventually order and execute the transaction candidates included in these requests. Successfully processing a transaction request amounts to invoking the transition function of the RSM, according to an agreed upon order (determined by the mempool in collaboration with consensus). Typical transactions contain read and write operations to a “global” key-value store representing the state of the RSM. In general, transactions may have side effects besides state updates, but these are not considered in V1.


Are they ignored? Are ExecutionSummary and pub sub information of execution data side effects?

  • The mempool engines are responsible for managing transaction data, (pre-)processing them for consensus and execution.

  • The trivial consensus problem is already implicitly solved by the worker in V1.

  • In V1, there is only one worker. There will be multiple (on each Node) in future versions.

  • The execution engines execute the transactions:

  • Shards maintain the local copy of the global state (of the RSM), i.e., serve read and write requests of Executors to the key-value store (of the RSM).

  • Executors process transaction candidates, effectively invoking the transition function of the RSM.

A life cycle with some details

Let us consider a typical/generic case of what transaction submission triggers in the ordering machine. Note that all message sending is asynchronous.


removed ExecutorProcess--)ExecutorProcess: . just before activate ExecutorProcess. I'm not sure what it represented. -->

    participant User
    participant Worker
    participant ExecutionSupervisor
    participant ExecutorProcess
    User-)Worker: TransactionRequest
    Worker--)Worker: fix batch №
    Worker-)User: TransactionAck
    Worker--)Worker: Buffering & Shuffling
    Worker--)Worker: fix tx №
    Worker-)ExecutionSupervisor: spawnExecutor
    ExecutionSupervisor-)Worker: EPID
    Worker-)ExecutorProcess: ExecuteTransaction
    Worker-)Shard: KVSAcquireLock
    Shard-)Worker: KVSLockAcquired
    Worker-)Shard: UpdateSeenAll
    activate ExecutorProcess
    ExecutorProcess-)Shard: KVSReadRequest
    Shard-)ExecutorProcess: KVSRead
    ExecutorProcess-)Shard: KVSWrite(Request)
    %%    ExecutorProcess-)WhereToIdontKnow: pub sub information of execution data
    ExecutorProcess-)User: ExecutionSummary
    ExecutorProcess-)Worker: ExecutorFinished
    deactivate ExecutorProcess

The origin of the request

at user

The user creates a TransactionCandidate \(T\).

\[T = \Bigl(\mathit{code}, \underbrace{(r_e,r_l)}_{\text{read label}}, \overbrace{(w_w,w_m)}^{\text{write label}}\Bigr)\]


transaction executable \(\mathit{code}\) eager read keys \(r_e\) lazy read keys \(r_l\) \(w_w\) will-write keys \(w_m\) may-write keys

The User transmits the TransactionCandidate, packaged as a TransactionRequest, to the worker.

Acknowledging the Users's TransactionRequest

at Worker Engine

Once it is clear that the transaction can be included into the current batch, the transaction candidate is "stamped" with the current batch number.

  • TransactionAck → user

    This is mainly for purposes of UX, but gives also information for re-submission strategies.

Buffering and shuffling (optional)

at Worker Engine

One may want to order each transaction request within a batch only after a minimum number of other requests are received such that they can be "slightly" re-ordered within a very short time period---for several reasons.


add footnote / explain exactly the issues this avoids

Assigning a transaction number

at Worker Engine

Eventually, possibly triggered by a timer or when sufficiently many other transaction candidates have been received, the transaction request will be assigned a transaction number (within the current batch). Together the batch and transaction numbers can form a unique TxFingerprint for the TransactionRequest.

Transaction Numbers can be assigned immediately from some set of available transaction numbers, provided this complies with the buffering and shuffling scheme. For example, a worker could maintain a shuffled list of natural numbers for each batch, and assign them sequentially from the list. Alternatively, a worker could assign Transaction Numbers sequentially, in which case transaction candidates will end up ordered in the order they were received. This may slightly change in V2.

Requesting an available executor engine

at Worker Engine

The Worker Engine either directly spawns an Executor process or contacts an Execution Supervisor that provides an Executor Process ID (EPID).

Note that the Execution Supervisor cannot, in general, wait for some existing Executor processes to terminate before spawning a new Executor process. It is possible that the existing Executor is waiting for a transaction candidate with an earlier TxFingerprint to be executed, but which does not yet have an Executor, in order to run. Therefore waiting for existing Executors to terminate can cause deadlock.

Also, we do not want to Execution Supervisor to become a bottleneck. Hence, the supervisor itself may be a concurrently running group of engines.

Providing a "fresh" executor

at Execution Supervisor

  • ExecutorPIDAssignedWorker

    Send the external identity of a "fresh" executor engine instance, either newly spawned or a waiting in a fixed pool of available executors.


add one supervisor for each executor -->

Informing shard(s) about upcoming read and write requests

at Worker Engine

If it helps, these messages can be batched and sent periodically.

Notifying the curator about acquired locks

at Shard

Starting transaction execution

at Worker Engine

  • ExecuteTransactionExecutor

    This will trigger the actual execution. This execution includes any finalization or resource logic checks. Reads, for executor process purposes, include any reads of state necessary for any post-ordering execution, resource logic checks, or anything else dependent on the "current" state of the state machine. Writes, for purposes of the state machine, include only final, valid updates to state that are definitely committed.

Sending read requests

at Executor

  • KVSReadRequestShard

    While executing the transaction (depending on previous reads and or static data in the code) send the optional read requests to the Shard.

Sending write requests

at Executor


this should be a Request!

Notifying shards about locks "seen"

at Worker Engine

Serving read and write requests from executors

at Shards

  • KVSReadExecutor

    For each read lock, if all preceding write locks have been recorded, and the unique preceding write has produced a value, the Shard can read a value. For eager reads (as defined in KVSAcquireLock), it sends this value immediately to the Executor, and for lazy reads, it sends it in response to a KVSReadRequest from the Executor.

Handling transaction candidate side effects

at Executor

In addition to updates to state, transaction candidates can do other stuff (so long as it does not non-deterministically effect updates to state). This can include logging and sending messages to users.

Informing users about results and logs

The user is informed about the results of the transaction outcome. In future versions (from V2 onward), this comes in two flavors:

  • communication from only one validator's executor process (probably whatever validator the user submitted to)

  • some reliable transmission protocol between the user and at least a weak quorum of validators.

Informing the curator about execution termination

at Executor

(Wiki) links on this page

  1. In fact it is the latter time stamp that is most relevant; the former is merely an indicator about performance of the worker. 

  2. This response may be delayed until the TxFingerprint is assigned. In V2, the "shuffling" of transactions may be pseudo-random so that we can quickly pass on transaction data to mirror workers.