module arch.node.engines.local_key_value_storage_behaviour; import arch.node.engines.local_key_value_storage_messages open; import arch.node.engines.local_key_value_storage_config open; import arch.node.engines.local_key_value_storage_environment open; import prelude open; import arch.node.types.basics open; import arch.node.types.identities open; import arch.node.types.messages open; import arch.node.types.engine open; import arch.node.types.anoma as Anoma open; type LocalKVStorageActionArgument := | LocalKVStorageReplyTo EngineID; LocalKVStorageActionArguments : Type := List LocalKVStorageActionArgument; LocalKVStorageAction : Type := Action LocalKVStorageCfg LocalKVStorageLocalState LocalKVStorageMailboxState LocalKVStorageTimerHandle LocalKVStorageActionArguments Anoma.Msg Anoma.Cfg Anoma.Env; LocalKVStorageActionInput : Type := ActionInput LocalKVStorageCfg LocalKVStorageLocalState LocalKVStorageMailboxState LocalKVStorageTimerHandle LocalKVStorageActionArguments Anoma.Msg; LocalKVStorageActionEffect : Type := ActionEffect LocalKVStorageLocalState LocalKVStorageMailboxState LocalKVStorageTimerHandle Anoma.Msg Anoma.Cfg Anoma.Env; LocalKVStorageActionExec : Type := ActionExec LocalKVStorageCfg LocalKVStorageLocalState LocalKVStorageMailboxState LocalKVStorageTimerHandle LocalKVStorageActionArguments Anoma.Msg Anoma.Cfg Anoma.Env; getValueAction (input : LocalKVStorageActionInput) : Option LocalKVStorageActionEffect := let env := ActionInput.env input; cfg := ActionInput.cfg input; local := EngineEnv.localState env; storage := local; trigger := ActionInput.trigger input; in case getEngineMsgFromTimestampedTrigger trigger of | some emsg := case emsg of { | mkEngineMsg@{ msg := Anoma.MsgLocalKVStorage (LocalKVStorageMsgGetValueRequest req); } := some mkActionEffect@{ env := env; msgs := [ mkEngineMsg@{ sender := getEngineIDFromEngineCfg cfg; target := EngineMsg.sender emsg; mailbox := some 0; msg := Anoma.MsgLocalKVStorage (LocalKVStorageMsgGetValueReply mkGetValueKVStoreReply@{ key := GetValueKVStoreRequest.key req; value := fromOption (Map.lookup (GetValueKVStoreRequest.key req) storage) ""; }); }; ]; timers := []; engines := []; } | _ := none } | _ := none; setValueAction (input : LocalKVStorageActionInput) : Option LocalKVStorageActionEffect := let env := ActionInput.env input; cfg := ActionInput.cfg input; local := EngineEnv.localState env; storage := local; trigger := ActionInput.trigger input; newTime := advanceTime (LocalKVStorageLocalState.localClock local); in case getEngineMsgFromTimestampedTrigger trigger of | some emsg := case emsg of { | mkEngineMsg@{ msg := Anoma.MsgLocalKVStorage (LocalKVStorageMsgSetValueRequest req); } := let key := SetValueKVStoreRequest.key req; value := SetValueKVStoreRequest.value req; newStorage := Map.insert key value storage; newLocal := local@LocalKVStorageLocalState{ storage := newStorage; localClock := newTime; }; newEnv := env@EngineEnv{localState := newLocal}; responseMsg := mkEngineMsg@{ sender := getEngineIDFromEngineCfg cfg; target := EngineMsg.sender emsg; mailbox := some 0; msg := Anoma.MsgLocalKVStorage (LocalKVStorageMsgSetValueReply mkSetValueKVStoreReply@{ key := key; success := true; }); }; notificationMsg := \{target := mkEngineMsg@{ sender := getEngineIDFromEngineCfg cfg; target := target; mailbox := some 0; msg := Anoma.MsgLocalKVStorage (LocalKVStorageMsgValueChanged mkValueChangedKVStore@{ key := key; value := value; timestamp := newTime; }); }}; notificationMsgs := map notificationMsg (getNotificationTargets key); in some mkActionEffect@{ env := newEnv; msgs := responseMsg :: notificationMsgs; timers := []; engines := []; } | _ := none } | _ := none; deleteValueAction (input : LocalKVStorageActionInput) : Option LocalKVStorageActionEffect := let env := ActionInput.env input; cfg := ActionInput.cfg input; local := EngineEnv.localState env; storage := local; trigger := ActionInput.trigger input; newTime := advanceTime (LocalKVStorageLocalState.localClock local); in case getEngineMsgFromTimestampedTrigger trigger of | some emsg := case emsg of { | mkEngineMsg@{ msg := Anoma.MsgLocalKVStorage (LocalKVStorageMsgDeleteValueRequest req); } := let key := DeleteValueKVStoreRequest.key req; newStorage := Map.delete key storage; newLocal := local@LocalKVStorageLocalState{ storage := newStorage; localClock := newTime; }; newEnv := env@EngineEnv{localState := newLocal}; responseMsg := mkEngineMsg@{ sender := getEngineIDFromEngineCfg cfg; target := EngineMsg.sender emsg; mailbox := some 0; msg := Anoma.MsgLocalKVStorage (LocalKVStorageMsgDeleteValueReply mkDeleteValueKVStoreReply@{ key := key; success := true; }); }; notificationMsg := \{target := mkEngineMsg@{ sender := getEngineIDFromEngineCfg cfg; target := target; mailbox := some 0; msg := Anoma.MsgLocalKVStorage (LocalKVStorageMsgValueChanged mkValueChangedKVStore@{ key := key; value := ""; timestamp := newTime; }); }}; notificationMsgs := map notificationMsg (getNotificationTargets key); in some mkActionEffect@{ env := newEnv; msgs := responseMsg :: notificationMsgs; timers := []; engines := []; } | _ := none } | _ := none; getValueActionLabel : LocalKVStorageActionExec := Seq [getValueAction]; setValueActionLabel : LocalKVStorageActionExec := Seq [setValueAction]; deleteValueActionLabel : LocalKVStorageActionExec := Seq [deleteValueAction]; LocalKVStorageGuard : Type := Guard LocalKVStorageCfg LocalKVStorageLocalState LocalKVStorageMailboxState LocalKVStorageTimerHandle LocalKVStorageActionArguments Anoma.Msg Anoma.Cfg Anoma.Env; LocalKVStorageGuardOutput : Type := GuardOutput LocalKVStorageCfg LocalKVStorageLocalState LocalKVStorageMailboxState LocalKVStorageTimerHandle LocalKVStorageActionArguments Anoma.Msg Anoma.Cfg Anoma.Env; LocalKVStorageGuardEval : Type := GuardEval LocalKVStorageCfg LocalKVStorageLocalState LocalKVStorageMailboxState LocalKVStorageTimerHandle LocalKVStorageActionArguments Anoma.Msg Anoma.Cfg Anoma.Env; getValueGuard (trigger : LocalKVStorageTimestampedTrigger) (cfg : EngineCfg LocalKVStorageCfg) (env : LocalKVStorageEnv) : Option LocalKVStorageGuardOutput := case getEngineMsgFromTimestampedTrigger trigger of | some mkEngineMsg@{ msg := Anoma.MsgLocalKVStorage (LocalKVStorageMsgGetValueRequest _); } := some mkGuardOutput@{ action := getValueActionLabel; args := []; } | _ := none; setValueGuard (trigger : LocalKVStorageTimestampedTrigger) (cfg : EngineCfg LocalKVStorageCfg) (env : LocalKVStorageEnv) : Option LocalKVStorageGuardOutput := case getEngineMsgFromTimestampedTrigger trigger of | some mkEngineMsg@{ msg := Anoma.MsgLocalKVStorage (LocalKVStorageMsgSetValueRequest _); } := some mkGuardOutput@{ action := setValueActionLabel; args := []; } | _ := none; deleteValueGuard (trigger : LocalKVStorageTimestampedTrigger) (cfg : EngineCfg LocalKVStorageCfg) (env : LocalKVStorageEnv) : Option LocalKVStorageGuardOutput := case getEngineMsgFromTimestampedTrigger trigger of | some mkEngineMsg@{ msg := Anoma.MsgLocalKVStorage (LocalKVStorageMsgDeleteValueRequest _); } := some mkGuardOutput@{ action := deleteValueActionLabel; args := []; } | _ := none; LocalKVStorageBehaviour : Type := EngineBehaviour LocalKVStorageCfg LocalKVStorageLocalState LocalKVStorageMailboxState LocalKVStorageTimerHandle LocalKVStorageActionArguments Anoma.Msg Anoma.Cfg Anoma.Env; localKVStorageBehaviour : LocalKVStorageBehaviour := mkEngineBehaviour@{ guards := First [getValueGuard; setValueGuard; deleteValueGuard]; };