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Juvix imports

module arch.node.types.engine;

import prelude open;
import arch.node.types.identities open;
import arch.node.types.engine_config open public;
import arch.node.types.engine_environment open public;
import arch.node.types.engine_behaviour open public;

The type for engines


An engine is a computational unit with a specific name and behaviour, plus an initial environment, which comprises the specific state, the mailbox cluster, the acquaintances, and the timers.

We refer to the type of engines as Engine, instantiated with the following type parameters:

  • A: the type for the action arguments,
  • C: the type for the read-only engine configuration,
  • S: the type for the local engine-specific state,
  • B: the type for the mailbox state,
  • H: the type for the timer handles,
  • AM: the type for all engine messages (Msg),
  • AC: the type for all engine configurations (Cfg), and
  • AE: the type for all engine environments (Env).

Each engine, not its type, is associated with:

  • a specific [Engine Configuration|configuration], which contains the engine name (unique across the system), node ID, and engine-specific configuration,
  • a declaration of its own execution context, that is, the engine-specific local state, the mailbox cluster, the acquaintances, and the timers,
  • as well as a specific behaviour.
type Engine C S B H A AM AC AE :=
cfg : EngineCfg C;
env : EngineEnv S B H AM;
behaviour : EngineBehaviour C S B H A AM AC AE;
the engine configuration,
the engine environment, and
the engine behaviour.

On the type parameters

In the related types to Engine such as EngineBehaviour, we try to follow the following convention:

  • the type parameters are ordered such that they form a subsequence of the type parameters sequence in the Engine type, and
  • the first type parameter of EngineBehaviour is always C, the type for the read-only engine configuration.

Example: Voting Engine

As an example, we could define an engine type for a voting system:

  • S could be a record with fields like votes, voters, and results.
  • The engine-specific message type might be a coproduct of Vote and Result.
  • The behaviour of this engine may include guarded actions such as:

    • storeVote to store a vote in the local state,
    • computeResult to compute the result of the election, and
    • announceResult to send the result to some other engine instances.

With each different election or kind of voters, we obtain a new engine instance, while the underlining voting system, the voting engine family, remains the same.