Ticker Environment¶
Juvix preamble
module node_architecture.engines.ticker_environment;
import prelude open;
import node_architecture.types.basics open;
import node_architecture.engines.ticker_messages open;
import node_architecture.types.engine_environment open;
The sole data item of the ticker environment that deserves mention is the counter; we do not need timers, or mailbox state.
Mailbox states¶
syntax alias TickerMailboxState := Unit;
Local state¶
type TickerLocalState : Type := mkTickerLocalState {counter : Nat};
Timer Handle¶
syntax alias TickerTimerHandle := Unit;
The ticker does not require a timer handle type.
Therefore, we define the timer handle type as Unit
Environment summary¶
TickerEnvironment : Type :=
EngineEnvironment TickerLocalState TickerMailboxState TickerTimerHandle;
Example of a Ticker
tickerEnvironmentExample : TickerEnvironment :=
name := "ticker";
localState :=
counter := 0
mailboxCluster := Map.empty;
acquaintances := Set.empty;
timers := []