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A ConnectIdentityRequest instructs the identity management engine to connect an existing identity using the specified backend.

A ConnectIdentityResponse provides the handles to decryption and commitment engine instances for a newly connected identity, or an error if a failure occurred.


ConnectIdentityRequest ConnectIdentityResponse


  • Attempts to use the designated backend to connect the specified identity
  • Creates new commitment engine and decryption engine instances
  • Returns handles to those instances in a ConnectIdentityResponse
  • If a composed identity is requested, where the composed identity cannot be directly connected, attempt to connect the constituent components, compose them, and return the resulting engine instance handles.

Message flow


%% --8<-- [start:sequence]
Any Local Engine ->>+ IdentityManagementEngine: ConnectIdentityRequest
IdentityManagementEngine -->>- Any Local Engine: ConnectIdentityResponse
%% --8<-- [end:sequence]
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