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  • from Mempool Engines


In order to actually serve read requests, the Shard needs to know that it will not receive more write requests before a certain timestamp. These are in general broadcast to all Shards.

It is important that the Worker Engine has received KVSLockAcquired-messages for all KVSAcquireLocks it has sent (or will ever send) at or before the timestamp. In other words, shards know about all possible read and write requests of TransactionCandidates for which the worker is curator and may come earlier.


rephrase the above paragraph

Each worker engine only needs to send the Shard Engine UpdateSeenAll messages concerning worker-specific ordering (batch number and sequence number within the batch). This means that each Shard Engine needs to hear from every Worker Engine periodically to be sure it is not waiting for any transactions. From there, the Shard uses TimestampOrderingInformation about the Narwhal DAG and Consensus to fill in a total order.


Field Type Description
timestamp TxFingerprint represents a the position in the total order (in V1)
write bool seen all read and seen all write can (and should) be separate.

For V1, we only care about write = true because we don't garbage collect and assume multi-version storage. From V2 onward, the Shard is keeping additional ordering information and we do have garbage collection protocols.


Shards can now identify the unique previous write prior to each read at or before this timestamp.

If that unique previous write has a value written, and the read is marked will read, they can send a KVSRead with that value to the relevant Executor.


  • to Executor: KVSRead for each will read for which we have established a unique previous write value send a KVSRead message to the relevant Executor
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