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Juvix imports

module node_architecture.types.engine_environment;

import node_architecture.types.basics open;
import node_architecture.types.identities open;
import node_architecture.types.messages open;
import node_architecture.types.anoma_message as Anoma;

Engine family environment type

The engine family environment encompasses static information for engine instances in the following categories:

  • A global reference, name, for the engine instance.
  • Local state whose type is specific to the engine family.
  • Mailbox cluster, which is a map of mailbox IDs to mailboxes.
  • A set of names of acquainted engine instances. It is implicit that the engine instance is acquainted with itself, so there is no need to include its own name.
  • A list of timers that have been set.

This data is encapsulated within the EngineEnvironment type family, which is parameterised by four types:

  • S, representing the local state,
  • M, representing the type of mailboxes' states, and
  • H, representing the type of handles for timers.

These same letters will be used in the rest of the document to represent these types.

type EngineEnvironment (S M H : Type) :=
mkEngineEnvironment {
name : EngineName;
localState : S;
mailboxCluster : Map MailboxID (Mailbox M);
acquaintances : Set EngineName;
timers : List (Timer H)
On the mailbox cluster

The mailbox cluster is a map of mailbox IDs to mailboxes. The mailbox ID is an index type, and the mailbox is a record containing the following data:

  • The enveloped messages that the mailbox contains.
  • The mailbox state, which is of type Option M, i.e., it could be none.

If you don't need multiple mailboxes, you can use any ID as the key. For example, you can use 0 for a default mailbox.