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An action is a composite structure \(A = (cms, nfs, \Pi, app\_data)\), where:

  • \(cms \subseteq \mathbb{F}_{cm}\) is a set of created resources' commitments.
  • \(nfs \subseteq \mathbb{F}_{nf}\) is a set of consumed resources' nullifiers.
  • \(\Pi: \{ \pi: PS.Proof\}\) is a set of proofs.
  • \(app\_data: \{(k, (d, deletion\_criterion)): k \in \mathbb{F}_{key}, d \subseteq \mathbb{F}_{d}\}\) contains application-specific data needed to create resource logic proofs. The deletion criterion field is described here.

Actions partition the state change induced by a transaction and limit the resource logics evaluation context: proofs created in the context of an action have guaranteed access only to the resources associated with the action. A resource is said to be associated with an action if its commitment or nullifier is present in the action's \(cms\) or \(nfs\) correspondingly. A resource is said to be consumed in the action for a valid action if its nullifier is present in the action's \(nfs\) set. A resource is said to be created in the action for a valid action if its commitment is in the action's \(cms\) set.


Each action refers to a set of resources to be consumed and a set of resources to be created. Creation and consumption of a resource requires a set of proofs that attest to the correctness of the proposed action. There are two proof types associated with each action:

  • Resource logic proof \(\pi_{RL}\). For each resource consumed or created in the action, it is required to provide a proof that the logic of the resource evaluates to \(1\) given the input parameters that describe the state transition induced by the action (the exact resource machine instantiation defines the exact set of parameters). The number of such proofs in an action equals to the amount of resources (both created and consumed) in that action, even if the resources have the same logic.
  • Resource machine compliance proofs - a set of proofs that ensures that the provided action complies with the resource machine definitions.

Compliance proofs and compliance units

Each compliance proof maps to some compliance unit. The set of resources in each action is implicitly partitioned into compliance units, the size of a single compliance unit is determined by a concrete resource machine instantiation. The total number of compliance proofs required for an action is determined by the number of compliance units that comprise the action, and can vary from 1 (one proof for all resources in the action at the same time) to the total number of resources in the action (one compliance proof per one resource). For example, if the instatiation defines a single compliance proof to include 1 input and 1 output resource, and an action contains 3 input and 2 output resources, the total number of compliance units will be 3 (the third output resource can be "dummy").

Input existence check

Each resource machine compliance proof must check the following:

  • each consumed resource was created (its commitment is included in \(CMtree\))
  • the resource commitments and nullifiers are derived according to the commitment and nullifier derivation rules (including the commitments of the consumed resources)
  • resource deltas are computed correctly
  • the resource logics of created and consumed resources are satisfied

Compliance proofs must be composition-independent: composing two actions, the compliance proof sets can be simply united to provide a valid composed action compliance proof set.

Unproven and proven actions

An action that contains all of the required proofs is considered proven. Such an action is bound to the resources it contains and cannot be modified without reconstructing the proofs.

In case an action doesn't contain all of the expected proofs, it is called unproven. Unproven actions are, strictly speaking, not valid actions (because they don't contain the required proofs), but might be handy when the proving context for the resource logics is still being constructed.

Unproven → proven action

After adding the required proofs to an unproven action, the action becomes proven.


Given a set of input resource plaintexts \(\{r_{{in}_1}, \cdots, r_{{in}_n}\}\), a set of output resource plaintexts \(\{r_{{out}_1}, \cdots, r_{{out}_m}\}\), a set of nullifier keys corresponding to the input resources \(\{nk_1,\cdots,nk_n\}\), \(app\_data\), and a set of custom inputs required by resource logics, a proven action \(A\) is computed as:

  • \(cms = \{h_{cm}(r_{{out}_i}, i = 1 \cdots m\}\)
  • \(nfs = \{h_{nf}(nk_i, r_{{in}_i}), i = 1 \cdots n\}\)
  • \(\Pi\): \(\{\pi_{RL}^{{in}_i}, i = 1 \cdots n \} \cup \{\pi_{RL}^{{out}_i}, i = 1 \cdots m \} \cup \{\pi_{compl}^j, 1 \leq j \leq m + n \}\)
  • \(app\_data\)

An unproven action would be computed the same way, except the resource logic proofs wouldn't be computed yet.


Since proven actions already contain all of the required proofs, there is no need to expand the evaluation context of such actions, therefore proven actions are not composable.

Right now we assume that each action is created by exactly one party in one step, meaning that unproven actions are not composable.


Validity of an action cannot be determined for actions that are not associated with some transaction. Assuming that an action is associated with a transaction, an action is considered valid if the following holds:

  • action input resources have valid resource logic proofs associated with them
  • action output resources have valid resource logic proofs associated with them
  • all compliance proofs are valid
  • transaction's \(rts\) field contains correct \(CMtree\) roots (that were actual \(CMtree\) roots at some epochs) used to prove the existence of consumed resources in the compliance proofs.

Action delta (computable component)

Action \(\Delta\) is a computable component used to compute transaction \(\Delta\). It is computed from \(\Delta\) of the resources that comprise the action and defined as \(a.\Delta = \sum{r^{in}.\Delta} - \sum{r^{out}.\Delta}\)

From the homomorphic properties of \(h_\Delta\), for the resources of the same kind \(kind\): \(\sum_j{h_\Delta(kind, r_{i_j}.q)} - \sum_j{h_\Delta(kind, r_{o_j}.q)} = \sum_j{r_{i_j}.\Delta} - \sum_j{r_{o_j}.\Delta} = h_\Delta(kind, q_{kind})\). The kind-distinctness property of \(h_\Delta\) allows computing \(\Delta_{tx} = \sum_j{r_{i_j}.\Delta} - \sum_j{r_{o_j}.\Delta}\) adding resources of all kinds together without the need to account for distinct resource kinds explicitly: \(\sum_j{r_{i_j}.\Delta} - \sum_j{r_{o_j}.\Delta} = \sum_j{h_\Delta(kind_j, q_{kind_j})}\).

When action delta is provided as input and not computed directly, it has to be explicitly checked that the action delta is correctly computed from the resource deltas.

Unlike transactions, actions don't need to be balanced, but if an action is valid and balanced, it is sufficient to create a balanced transaction.