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Git branching strategy

The general workflow is to branch off from the latest version's branch, perform your changes, open a pull request, and merge your updates.

Branching strategy

For changes to the latest version

For changes to the latest version, branch off from main. Name your branch by prefixing your name and an issue identifier, like your-name/issue-identifier.

git checkout main
git checkout -b your-name/issue-identifier

For changes to older published versions

For patching older versions, branch off from the specific version branch. Published versions follow the pattern vX, where X is the version number. For example, say the latest version is v0.1.0.

git checkout v0.1.0

Name your branch by prefixing your name and an patch topic, like your-name/patch-topic.

git checkout -b your-name/patch-topic

The git graph will look like:

%%{init: { 'theme': 'neutral' } }%%
    branch vX
    checkout vX
    branch your-name/issue-identifier
    checkout your-name/issue-identifier
    checkout vX
    merge your-name/issue-identifier

So, if your PR is merged, the changes will be incorporated into the version branch and on the website.

Rebasing your work

Every once in a while, you should rebase your branch onto the base branch, if the current version has been updated. This will incorporate the latest changes from the base branch into your branch. The steps to rebase are usually the following.

  • Switch to your working branch:
    git checkout your-name/issue-identifier
  • Initiate the rebase onto the target branch:
    git pull origin main --rebase

    Or merge the changes from the base branch which is convenient most of the time:

    git merge main

Resolve conflicts

  • Git will pause for conflict resolution.
  • After resolving each conflict:

    git rebase --continue
  • To stop the rebase process:

    git rebase --abort

Push your changes

  • Once rebase is complete, push changes:
    git push origin your-name/issue-identifier
  • A force push may be required:
    git push origin your-name/issue-identifier --force-with-lease

Important notes

  • Ensure you are on the correct branch before making changes.
  • Regularly update your branch to minimise conflicts.
  • Ask for help if you encounter any issues to the maintainers.