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Juvix imports

module arch.node.types.engine_config;

import arch.node.types.basics open public;
import arch.node.types.identities open;
import arch.node.types.messages open;

Engine configuration

Engine configuration type

The engine configuration contains the following static information for engine instances:

  • A global reference, name, for the engine instance.
  • The local NodeID.
  • Engine-specific configuration.

This is defined in the EngineCfg type, which is parametrized by:

  • C: represents the engine-specific configuration, which corresponds to the Cfg type.
type EngineCfg C :=
node : NodeID;
name : EngineName;
cfg : C;


  • Get the local EngineID from an EngineCfg:
getEngineIDFromEngineCfg {C} (cfg : EngineCfg C) : EngineID :=
mkPair (some (EngineCfg.node cfg)) ( cfg);