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module arch.system.state.resource_machine.data_structures.compliance_unit.compliance_unit;

Compliance unit

ComplianceUnit is a data structure that partitions the action, meaning that there might be multiple compliance units for a single action, the sets of resources covered by any two compliance units cover don't intersect, and together the compliance units cover all of the resources in the action. This partition corresponds to the format expected by the compliance proving system used to produce compliance proofs. The table below describes the components of a compliance unit:

Component Type Description
proof PS.Proof
refInstance ReferencedInstance The instance required to verify the compliance proof. Includes the references to the tags of the checked resources, compliance unit delta, CMtree roots references
vk PS.VerifyingKey


ReferenceInstance is a modified PS.Instance structure in which some elements are replaced by their references. To get PS.Instance from ReferencedInstance the referenced structures must be dereferenced. The structures we assume to be referenced here are:

- CMtree roots (stored in transaction)

- commitments and nullifiers (stored in action)

All other instance elements are assumed to be as the instance requires.


Referencing Merkle tree roots: the Merkle tree roots required to verify the compliance proofs are stored in the transaction (not in action or a compliance unit), and are referenced by a short hash in refInstance. To find the right roots corresponding to the proof, the verifier has to compute the hashes of the roots in the transaction, match them with the short hashes in the refInstance structure, and use the ones that match for verification. A similar approach is used to reference the tags of the checked in the compliance unit resources.

The size of a compliance unit - the number of created and consumed resources in each unit - is determined by the resource machine instantiation. The total number of compliance proofs required for an action is determined by the number of compliance units that comprise the action. For example, if the instantiation defines a single compliance proof to include 1 input and 1 output resource, and an action contains 3 input and 2 output resources, the total number of compliance units will be 3 (with a placeholder output resource in the third compliance unit).


Compliance unit delta is used to compute action and transaction deltas and is itself computed from resource deltas: delta = sum( for r in outputResources - sum( for r in inputResources)). Note that the delta is computed by the prover (who knows the resource objects of resources associated with the unit) and is a part of the instance. The compliance proof must ensure the correct computation of delta from the resource deltas available at the proving time.

Delta for computing balance

From the homomorphic properties of Delta hash, for the resources of the same kind \(kind\), adding together the deltas of the resources results in the delta corresponding to the total quantity of that resource kind: \(\sum_j{h_\Delta(kind, q_{r_{i_j}})} - \sum_j{h_\Delta(kind, q_{r_{o_j}})} = \sum_j{\Delta_{r_{i_j}}} - \sum_j{\Delta_{r_{o_j}}} = h_\Delta(kind, q_{kind})\), where \(q_{kind}\) is the total quantity of the resources of kind \(kind\).

The kind-distinctness property of \(h_\Delta\) allows computing \(\Delta = \sum_j{\Delta_{r_{i_j}}} - \sum_j{\Delta_{r_{o_j}}}\) adding resources of all kinds together without the need to account for distinct resource kinds explicitly: \(\sum_j{\Delta_{r_{i_j}}} - \sum_j{\Delta_{r_{o_j}}} = \sum_j{h_\Delta(kind_j, q_{kind_j})}\).

As a result, the properties of DeltaHash allow computing the total balance for a compliance unit, action, or transaction, without having direct access to quantities and kinds of the resources that comprise the data structure.


  1. delta(ComplianceUnit) -> DeltaHash - returns the compliance unit delta, which is stored in complianceData: =
  2. created(ComplianceUnit) -> Set Commimtent - returns the commitments of the created resources checked in the unit
  3. consumed(ComplianceUnit) -> Set Nullifier - returns the nullifiers of the consumed resources checked in the unit
  4. create(PS.ProvingKey, PS.Instance, PS.Proof) -> ComplianceUnit - computes the compliance proof and stores the data (or references to it, if stored elsewhere) required to verify it in the compliance unit
  5. verify(ComplianceUnit) -> Bool - returns ComplianceProvingSystem.Verify(vk, instance, proof), where instance is computed from refInstance by dereferencing