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Support for Wiki Links

Wiki links offer a simple method for citing and referencing other pages in the documentation without lengthy URLs. Wiki links are the preferred method for linking to other pages in the documentation, so please use them whenever possible.

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax for a wiki link is:



  • page is the title of the target page

Full Syntax

The full syntax for a wiki link is:

Wiki Link Syntax
  Custom caption

When resolving a wiki link, the system follows these rules:

Page Title

(Mandatory) The 'page' in a wiki link refers to the title specified in the nav attribute of the mkdocs.yml file. For example,

  - Home:
  - MyRef X:

provides the following wiki link:

MyRef X

Path Hints

(Optional) You can use path hints to specify the location of the file. The syntax is:

Path Hints


  • hintpath/to is the path (or prefix) to the file
  • page is the title of the target page


(Optional) Use anchors to link to specific sections within a page. If the page does not have an anchor, the link would render as the caption provided, and you'll find a warning in the build process.



  • page is the title of the target page
  • anchor is a specific section within the page

Custom captions

(Optional) Provide custom text to display for the link instead of the page title.

Custom Captions
Custom caption


  • page is the title of the target page
  • anchor is a specific section within the page

Captions can include icons, for example:

[:material-link: this is a caption with an icon](