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Properties of Anoma instances

Inclusion fairness

Every transaction candidate submitted by users to the ordering machine will eventually be executed (although execution may run into errors). The user may be required to pay inclusion fees to accommodate for limited bandwidth or storage.

Time stamping acknowledgments

Every transaction candidate submission may be answered promptly with a local time stamp of the receiving worker; however, this is optional.

Transaction time brackets

Every transaction request is eventually answered by the worker with a pair of time stamps: one for the batch opening and one for the batch closing; the batch opening is the time the receiving worker has started the batch and the batch closing is the time when the receiving worker is sending the corresponding worker hash to its primary.

Batch ordering consistency

The batches of a worker are ordered such that it is consistent with the batch time stamps.

Execution acknowledgment

The user is informed about execution of a transaction candidate if they wish to be informed.

Reliable Delivery

Every message sent to a cryptographic identity will eventually be delivered (if the corresponding engine participates in the peer to peer system).