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A transport address.


One of the following types, depending on the transport protocol.

  • QUICAddr
  • WSSAddr
  • TorAddr
  • VeilidAddr
  • ...

QUICAddr & WSSAddr

For transports over IP that use X.509 certificates (such as QUIC & Secure WebSocket), the destination IP address & port, as well as the certificate issuer public key is given. The latter is used to verify the transport certificate of the remote peer.

Field Type Description
ip IPAddress IP Address
port u16 Port number
cert_issuer ExternalIdentity Certificate issuer public key

TorAddr & VeilidAddr

For transports that use public key addressing (such as Tor & Veilid), the destination public key address is given, possibly together with additional transport-specific dial information.

Field Type Description
addr Vec Address