Juvix imports
module arch.node.types.anoma_environment;
import prelude open;
import arch.node.engines.identity_management_environment open;
import arch.node.engines.decryption_environment open;
import arch.node.engines.encryption_environment open;
import arch.node.engines.commitment_environment open;
import arch.node.engines.verification_environment open;
import arch.node.engines.reads_for_environment open;
import arch.node.engines.signs_for_environment open;
import arch.node.engines.naming_environment open;
import arch.node.engines.local_key_value_storage_environment open;
import arch.node.engines.logging_environment open;
import arch.node.engines.wall_clock_environment open;
import arch.node.engines.local_time_series_storage_environment open;
import arch.node.engines.net_registry_environment open;
import arch.node.engines.router_environment open;
import arch.node.engines.transport_protocol_environment open;
import arch.node.engines.transport_connection_environment open;
import arch.node.engines.pub_sub_topic_environment open;
import arch.node.engines.storage_environment open;
import arch.node.engines.mempool_worker_environment open;
import arch.node.engines.executor_environment open;
import arch.node.engines.shard_environment open;
import arch.node.engines.ticker_environment open;
import tutorial.engines.template_environment open;
import tutorial.engines.template_minimum_environment open;
Anoma Engine EnvironmentsΒΆ
An Anoma engine environment is a collection of all the necessary information/context that an engine instance needs to operate. See Engine Environment for more information on engine environments.
Below is the definition of the type Env
which represents an Anoma engine environment.
This means, an Anoma engine instance would have an environment of type Env
Why a sum type for all engines?
The sum type will be useful for specifying the "initial" state of any newly created engine instance. In this way, we can omit any initialization, but we can have it by sending "init messages" to the newly created engine at the same time as we create new engines.
For example, an environment for an engine instance
of the engine TickerEngine
is of type TickerEnvironment
type PreEnv KVSKey KVSDatum Executable ProgramState :=
| EnvIdentityManagement IdentityManagementEnv
| EnvDecryption DecryptionEnv
| EnvEncryption EncryptionEnv
| EnvCommitment CommitmentEnv
| EnvVerification VerificationEnv
| EnvReadsFor ReadsForEnv
| EnvSignsFor SignsForEnv
| EnvNaming NamingEnv
| EnvLocalKeyValueStorage LocalKVStorageEnv
| EnvLogging LoggingEnv
| EnvWallClock WallClockEnv
| EnvLocalTSeries LocalTSStorageEnv
| EnvRouter RouterEnv
| EnvTransportProtocol TransportProtocolEnv
| EnvTransportConnection TransportConnectionEnv
| EnvPubSubTopic PubSubTopicEnv
| EnvStorage StorageEnv
| EnvMempoolWorker (MempoolWorkerEnv KVSKey KVSDatum Executable)
| EnvExecutor (ExecutorEnv KVSKey KVSDatum ProgramState)
| EnvShard (ShardEnv KVSKey KVSDatum)
| EnvTicker TickerEnv
| EnvTemplate TemplateEnv
| EnvTemplateMinimum TemplateMinimumEnv;
Env : Type := PreEnv String String ByteString String;