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Delta hash

Delta hash is an interface that implements both Hash type and Arithmetic type. It is also required to be additively homomorphic and kind-distinct:

  1. For resources of the same kind \(kind\), \(h_{\Delta}\) should be additively homomorphic: \(\Delta_1 + \Delta_2 = h_{\Delta}(kind, q_1) + h_{\Delta}(kind, q_2) = h_{\Delta}(kind, q_1 + q_2)\)
  2. For resources of different kinds, \(h_\Delta\) has to be computationally kind-distinct: if there exists \(kind\) and \(q\) s.t. \(h_\Delta(kind_1, q_1) + h_\Delta(kind_2, q_2) = h_\Delta(kind, q)\), it is computationally infeasible to compute \(kind\) and \(q\).


An example of a function that satisfies these properties is the Pedersen commitment scheme: it is additively homomorphic, and its kind-distinctness property comes from the discrete logarithm assumption.

Used in

  1. Resource delta
  2. Compliance unit delta
  3. Action delta
  4. Transaction delta