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Hash type is defined as a fixed size type that is binding, meaning that if the input value of type Arg changed, the output value would change as well.

In the context of hashes, we say a is an opening of a hash h: Hash if h = hash(a).


  1. for shielded: cryptographic hash, hiding
  2. do we want a separate interface for the logic hash, given it is a verifier key? UPD in Taiga we had the verifier key hashed. Is it fixed size? If not, what was the reason for tripple hashing? vk + hash + function privacy commitment


In the case of resource logic, the hash used to compute it should output the logic's verifying key and therefore is determined by the proving system used to compute resource logic proofs.

Hash interface diagram


    class Hash~T, Arg~ {

    Hash <|-- LogicHash
    Hash <|-- LabelHash
    Hash <|-- ValueHash

    Hash <|-- Commitment
    Hash <|-- Nullifier
    Hash <|-- Kind
    Hash <|-- DeltaHash
    Hash <|-- LogicRefHash
    Hash <|-- MerkleTreeNodeHash

    Hash <|-- AppDataValueHash

Used in

  1. Resource components:

    1. logicRef
    2. labelRef
    3. valueRef
  2. Resource computable components:

    1. commitment
    2. nullifier
    3. kind
    4. delta
  3. Computing Merkle tree nodes and roots