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module arch.system.state.resource_machine.primitive_interfaces.proving_system.proving_system_delta;

Delta Proving SystemΒΆ

Delta proving system is used to prove that the transaction delta is equal to a certain value. To support transaction composition that results in a new transaction being produced, the delta proving system must, in addition to the standard proving system interface, provide a proof aggregation function:


  1. prove(PS.ProvingKey, PS.Instance, PS.Witness) -> PS.Proof
  2. verify(PS.VerifyingKey, PS.Instance, PS.Proof) -> Bool
  3. aggregate(PS.Proof, PS.Proof) -> PS.Proof

The aggregation function allows to aggregate proofs in a way that if \(\pi_1\) proves that the first transaction's balance is \(b_1\) and the second proof \(\pi_2\) proves the second transaction's balance is \(b_2\), then the proof \(Aggregate(\pi_1, \pi_2)\) proves that the composed transaction's balance is \(b_1 + b_2\).

title: Proving System hierarchy
    class IProvingSystem~VerifyingKey, ProvingKey, Instance, Witness, Proof~ {
         +prove(ProvingKey, Instance, Witness) Proof
         +verify(VerifyingKey, Instance, Proof) Bool

    IProvingSystem <|-- IDeltaProvingSystem

    class IDeltaProvingSystem~VerifyingKey, ProvingKey, Instance, Witness, Proof~ {
        +aggregate(Proof, Proof) Proof
    IDeltaProvingSystem <|-- DeltaProvingSystem

    class DeltaProvingSystem