As in the Little Typer book, we explore some aspects of the Anoma model through a dialogue that presents the notions considered in the specification. There are two participants in this dialogue: the student, Jordan, and Anomian, the modeller. When Anomian speaks, it is in the form of a quote. Otherwise, Jordan speaks.
Hi, I am Anomian.
The goal of this dialogue is to illustrate what the Anoma system is about and how to model it. For the sake of concreteness, we present a few Juvix code snippets that are intended to clarify the model and help resolve potential ambiguities. Most of the data types are enumerations and inductive types. The quotes alone should convey the main idea. The Jordan interjections are to confirm, ask questions, and reiterate the concepts.
Last, but not least, we have not only code snippets, but we fully embrace literate programming. This comes at the inconvenience of some lines of boilerplate here, but it can safely be skipped on a first reading.
Juvix imports
module anomian;
import arch.node.types.basics open public;
import arch.node.types.identities open;
import arch.node.types.messages open hiding {EngineMsg; mkEngineMsg; Mailbox};
Chapter 1: The core players of the game¶
At the core of the Anoma model, we find engines. They do most of the heavy lifting.
So, what do you mean by an engine?
Think of an engine as a dynamic entity that can do stuff, much like us, and that has an engine-status that could be running, dead, or suspended.
type EngineStatus :=
| Running
| Dead
| Suspended;
- Explain that if the engine is dead, next time the system steps, engines marked as dead are removed from the system, similarly as a garbage collector would do.
- Explain that the engine-status is not a property of the engine, but rather a property of the engine-instance.
Dynamic entity? What is dynamic about it?
You and I are not the same person we were yesterday because some events happened to us. For engines, a typical event is the reception of an engine-message and as a reaction to message reception, their state may change. This ability to change their state is what makes them dynamic. However, notice that this change of internal state is optional. We call those engines that never change their state stateless engines.
Huh, so, an engine has its own state, and that state can change by reacting to messages that are sent to it. Easy.
It's like when we receive a letter from the tax office. Once we read the letter and understand it, we know that we have to pay taxes and eventually do so. That letter may "change" us, some money may be gone.
But wait, who really sends those messages actually?
Any engine, including the same engine which receives the message. For example, an engine could remind itself to do something by sending a message to itself.
I see, and the messages can be in different languages, right? I read English but not French. How are engines able to communicate with each other? Do they all speak the same language?
Each engine has its own message interface, indicating the language(s) they speak. This message interface defines the format and content of the messages it can comprehend and process.
For example, let's say the engines in our model only speak English, French, and Spanish.
syntax alias EnglishPayload := String;
syntax alias FrenchPayload := String;
syntax alias SpanishPayload := String;
If I, Anomian, speak English and French, my message interface would look like this.
type AnomianMsgInterface :=
| AnomianMsgEnglish@{
msg : EnglishPayload;
| AnomianMsgFrench@{
msg : FrenchPayload;
Hey, in my case, I speak English and Spanish. My message interface is the following.
type JordanMsgInterface :=
| JordanMsgEnglish@{
msg : EnglishPayload;
| JordanMsgSpanish@{
msg : SpanishPayload;
Got it. Here is a message you can understand, Anomian.
helloAnomian : AnomianMsgInterface :=
msg := "Hello!";
Message Interface
- Each engine has a message interface.
- By construction, it is safe to assume that every engine has at least one message constructor1 in its message interface.
The model defines all the message interfaces defined by engines.
type MsgInterface :=
| MsgAnomian AnomianMsgInterface
| MsgJordan JordanMsgInterface;
To see the full list of message interfaces in the current model, check out the sum type
in Anoma Message.
Chapter 2: Communication patterns¶
Now that we understand engines and their message interfaces, let's talk about how they communicate with each other or better said, what patterns of communication are there.
I can send a message to you, Anomian, either to expect a response or simply to inform you that I'm alive. What else can I do?
There are many patterns indeed, but let us start with the most common ones.
syntax alias Timeout := Nat;
type CommunicationPattern :=
| FireAndForget
| RequestReply@{
timeout : Option Timeout;
| PubSub;
We can consider three patterns of communication. The pattern
allows us to communicate asynchronously. One can send a message and not expect any response like notifications on your phone. However, if you need a response or result and can wait for it, we can use theRequestReply
pattern. That is the pattern that every synchronous communication uses implicitly. And finally, thePubSub
pattern (pub/sub for short) that allows us to communicate asynchronously and without a response, broadcasting messages to multiple engines.
We can consider three purposes for a message:
- The first one is to request a reply.
- The second one is to reply to a request.
- The third one is to notify about something.
We can represent these three cases with the
type EngineMsgKind :=
| Request
| Reply
| Notify;
Summary of communication patterns
We can have several communication patterns.
Chapter 3: Engine configurations¶
Anomian, you mentioned that engines have an internal state, a message interface, and specific communication patterns. Are there any other characteristics that define an engine? And what about us, are we also engines? For instance, humans have attributes such as name, age, and parents. Do engines have similar attributes?
Engines possess certain attributes. These attributes are stored in what we call their engine-configuration, of type
. This configuration is immutable through the lifetime of the engine. The configuration of an engine includes its parent that spawns it, its name, a virtual location where the engine runs namednode
, and some configuration parameters denoted bycfg
of an engine-specific type that instantiates the type parameterC
type EngineCfg C :=
parent : Option EngineID;
name : EngineName;
node : NodeID;
cfg : C;
As we say the engine configuration is immutable by design. This means that once an engine is created, attributes such as the name of the engine cannot be changed. If you want to change the name of an engine, you have to create a new engine with the new name.
Tell me one thing about the parents of engines. Do they always know who their parent is? I don't know who is my father, actually.
Engines might not always know who their parent is.2 The absence of this information is stored in the engine's configuration with the
field set tonone
. If the parent is known, theparent
field is set tosome creatorID
, wherecreatorID
is the engine-identifier of the parent engine.
axiom localhost : NodeID;
simpleConfig : EngineCfg Unit :=
parent := none;
name := "Anomian";
node := localhost;
cfg := unit;
So, we have one way to identify engines: by their name and their node if we know where it runs.
Roughly, a node is a virtual place where the engine lives and operates. This place could be known to be in the same neighbourhood, in which case, we can refer to it as a local engine. Otherwise, the engine is an external engine. However, note that we have not yet defined what a node is!
EngineID : Type := Pair (Option NodeID) EngineName;
Okay, I guess that we can nevertheless start thinking about identifiers already.
JordanID : EngineID := mkPair (some localhost) "Jordan9121";
AnomianID : EngineID := mkPair (some localhost) "Anomian184";
With engine identifiers (of type
), we can define engine messages. These messages serve as events for engines, sent to them by some other engine.
An engine-message consists of a sender, a target, an optional mailbox identifier, the communication pattern, what kind of message it is, and the message itself.
The mailbox identifier is used to identify the mailbox of the target engine, the virtual place where the message is delivered. Recall that the kind indicates whether the message is a command, a response, or an event, and the pattern indicates the expected behaviour pattern for how the recipient should react.
type EngineMsg M :=
sender : EngineID;
target : EngineID;
mailbox : Option MailboxID;
pattern : CommunicationPattern;
kind : EngineMsgKind;
msg : M;
Hah! So let me craft a message for you, Anomian.
jordanToAnomian : EngineMsg MsgInterface :=
sender := JordanID;
target := AnomianID;
mailbox := some 1;
pattern :=
timeout := none;
kind := Request;
msg :=
msg := "What is the meaning of life?";
A reply engine-message is
.Notice that the type parameter
is the same as the one used in the request message, and not an engine-specific message interface.
anomianToJordan : EngineMsg MsgInterface :=
sender := AnomianID;
target := JordanID;
mailbox := some 1;
pattern := FireAndForget;
kind := Reply;
msg :=
msg := "The meaning of life is 42.";
Reevaluate if the message kind is actually needed. Replies may be indistinguishable from notifications, following a fire-and-forget pattern to reply.
The social context of an engine
Each engine is known in its neighbourhood and may have connections abroad. It still communicates via messages though and stays fixed in the place.
But how can I send it? Do I have to go to the post office?
Chapter 4: Mailboxes for anyone¶
Messages are sent to the engine's mailbox.
What is a mailbox? A mailbox consists of a queue of messages and can also contain additional data if needed. The data could be the state of the mailbox, think of it as having extra information about the mailbox like the number of messages in it.
type Mailbox S M :=
messages : List (EngineMsg M);
mailboxState : Option S;
However, engines not only have a single mailbox, but a cluster of mailboxes. That is, there is at least one mailbox per engine, but there can be more. The type
for the cluster of mailboxes is really a mapping of mailbox identifiers to the actual mailboxes.
MailboxCluster (S M : Type) : Type := Map MailboxID (Mailbox S M);
Why bother with the mailbox cluster? One mailbox is enough, right?
While a single mailbox would suffice for basic functionality, multiple mailboxes provide valuable message organisation capabilities.
That sounds like how my email works. It is a cluster of mailboxes, and in principle, I have one big mailbox, but truly I can see it as having multiple mailboxes, one for each folder, such as promotions, important, family, etc.
Yes, the folder analogy is great. The following diagram illustrates a mailbox cluster. Each mailbox3 is intended to serve a specific purpose. For simplicity, we refer to the entire cluster as the engine's mailbox if there is no confusion. In the type
, we have a map of mailbox IDs to mailboxes.
graph LR
MailboxCluster["Jordan's Mailbox Cluster"] --> Mailbox1
MailboxCluster --> Mailbox2
MailboxCluster --> Mailbox3
subgraph Mailbox1["Mailbox#1 : 'Urgent'"]
Queue1("Queue of Messages")
Data1("Mailbox state")
subgraph Mailbox2["Mailbox #2 : 'Promotions'"]
Queue2("Queue of Messages")
Data2("Mailbox state")
subgraph Mailbox3["Mailbox #3 : 'Family'"]
Queue3("Queue of Messages")
Data3("Mailbox state")
You have not answered yet how mail is actually sent.
Well, imagine for a second that the communication process is magically handled by one mailelf that delivers messages to the engines. When a message is sent to an engine, the mailelf takes the message from the sender and puts it in the engine's mailbox. In other words, for the moment, it suffices to assume that all messages are delivered eventually.
Mailboxes for eventual message delivery
So, yes, the main purpose of mailboxes is where the elf delivers the messages.
Chapter 5: Context of execution¶
This is quite a fancy setup for sending messages, but how do engines "actually" get things done?!
I mean, we've discussed that engines have certain attributes: an identifier, a message interface, and a configuration that includes details like a parent, a name, and a virtual location where the engine runs. So, maybe a better question: how do engines actually run?
To understand how an engine runs, we need to acknowledge that engines operate within a context of execution referred to as their engine-environment. This environment, defined by the
type, includes the engine's internal state, its mailboxes, and an address book of known engines it can interact with, including itself.
AddressBook : Type := Set EngineName;
type EngineEnv S Msg :=
state : S;
mailbox : MailboxCluster S Msg;
acq : AddressBook;
Note that engine environments do not encompass the engine's configuration, although they could. Instead, engine configurations are accessible separately from the engine environments. This separation promotes modularity.
Local data of engines and the execution context
Each engine has its own local data, some of which is fixed, and some of which is dynamic. All this data together forms the execution context.
Chapter 6: What engines can do¶
So, refining the question: how do engines actually compute? With their
engine-environment in place, I imagine that engines run some sort of function
that uses the engine-environment and a message from the mailbox. Something like
the following type Handler
, where S
is the state of the engine and M
the message interface, and the return type is ReturnSomething
, which can be
whatever we want.
axiom ReturnSomething : Type;
Handler (M S : Type) : Type := M -> EngineEnv S M -> ReturnSomething;
The computational aspect of an engine is what we refer to as its behaviour, and it is correct to think of it as a function that takes in a message and the engine's environment. However, the return type of this function cannot be anything: the type what an engine can produce is part of the model of engines, and it is fixed for each engine.
What exactly can an engine do if it's not just the same message passing we already know?
We decompose the engine's range of possible reactions into a set of effects. These effects describe the valid actions that the engine can perform. We can represent these effects with the
type.To recall, we use the following convention for engine-related types:
is the type of its internal state,E
is the type of its environment,M
is the type of its message interface.
syntax alias TimeTrigger := Nat;
type Effect S E M :=
| SendMsg@{
msg : EngineMsg M;
| UpdateState@{
state : S;
| SpawnEngine@{
engine : E;
| Chain@{
effects : List (Effect S E M);
| Schedule@{
trigger : TimeTrigger;
action : Effect S E M;
Based on the type for possible effects,4 the only new aspect for me about engines is
that they record the need for actions to happen at a later time. We already have covered that
engines have a parent; the SpawnEngine
effect is the other side of the same coin.
The rest remains the same as before.
Our actions are restricted by certain pre-conditions, some inherent from the environment. We only take action if the conditions are met. For engines, these conditions are expressed as guards.5
I got it. This mirrors our situation perfectly. Taking the tax office example: when I receive a notice to pay taxes, I first assess whether I have the funds available. If I do, I take action to pay; otherwise, I might postpone the payment.
The essence of a guard is a predicate, a pre-condition, that must hold true for the engine to take action.
Guards are evaluated based on incoming messages, the engine's environment, and the engine's configuration. We can represent this with the type
. Since guards involve computation, engine's preserve these computations as part of the return type of the guard, that isR
in the typeGuard
. Thus, if the underlying condition is not satisfied, the guard returns nothing. The type parameterC
will be instantiated with the type for values in the engine's configuration.
Guard (S M C R : Type) : Type :=
EngineMsg M -> EngineEnv S M -> EngineCfg C -> Option R;
{S M C R}
(guard : Guard S M C R)
(msg : EngineMsg M)
(env : EngineEnv S M)
(cfg : EngineCfg C)
: Bool :=
case guard msg env cfg of
| none := false
| some _ := true;
Wait! I see an issue. What if the engine has several guards, and they are all satisfied?
If several guards are satisfied, engines provide a strategy for how to act. The model has the following options.
- Choose the first guard that is satisfied,
- choose the last guard that is satisfied,
- choose one of them (randomly/non-deterministically) if there are several satisfied guards,
- check that it is the only one that is triggered, and
- choose all of them if all guards are satisfied.
And recall, If no guard conditions are met, the engine decides not to act.
type GuardStrategy :=
| FirstGuard
| LastGuard
| OneGuard
| UniqueGuard
| AllGuards;
Keep in mind that guards are formally speaking, a predicate with additional information. If the guards give green light, the engine will act, by means of actions.
type GuardEval S M C R :=
guards : List (Guard S M C R);
strategy : GuardStrategy;
Ah, I see! So the guards act as the rules the engine follows, and the actions are the procedures executed when those rules are satisfied, and with the possible outcomes of the guards.
We can now define the engine's behaviour as a function that takes in a guard evaluation and returns an effect.
EngineBehaviour (S E M C R : Type) : Type := GuardEval S M C R -> Effect S E M;
With the concept of an engine now complete, it is appropriate to define the type
. An engine is characterised by its configuration, environment, and behaviour. Recall thatS
is the state of the engine,E
is the environment,M
is the message interface,C
is the configuration, andR
is the return type for guards.
type Engine (S E M C R : Type) :=
status : EngineStatus;
cfg : EngineCfg C;
state : EngineEnv S M;
behavior : EngineBehaviour S E M C R;
What engines do
Engines react to incoming messages, taking into account their environment. How they react is governed by guards of which the engine has several, roughly one per relevant case. Cases may overlap, but often it is a unique case that performs the reaction.
Chapter 7: We have engines, and now, what?¶
I think I am getting the hang of it. But what's next?
Yes, I think we have made a good start. However, we have to fill in the blanks and put everything together in a single system. In the upcoming chapters, how the system looks like in more detail and how ensure the following properties for engine-to-engine communication:
- Message delivery: All messages are eventually delivered
- Engine isolation: Each engine maintains independent state
- Type safety: All communication follows defined message interfaces
- Configuration immutability: Engine configurations cannot be modified after creation
A quick glossary of the terms we have seen so far.
- EngineStatus: Represents the possible states an engine can be
, orSuspended
- CommunicationPattern: Enumerates the types of communication patterns
available, such as
with an optional timeout, andPubSub
- EngineMsgKind: Categorizes messages into
, orNotify
- EngineID: A composite identifier for engines, consisting of a
and aname
- MessageInterface: Defines the interface for messages specific to
different engines (
) and aggregates them into a generalMsgInterface
- EngineCfg: An immutable configuration for an engine, including optional
parent information, engine name, node ID, and a generic configuration type
- Mailbox and MailboxCluster: Structure for message queues (
) and a collection of mailboxes (MailboxCluster
) indexed byMailboxID
- EngineEnv: The execution context of an engine, comprising its state, mailbox cluster, and an address book of known engines.
- Guard and GuardStrategy: Mechanisms to evaluate whether certain
conditions are met (
) and strategies to handle multiple satisfied guards (GuardStrategy
- Effect: The possible outcomes or actions an engine can perform, such as sending messages, updating state, spawning new engines, chaining effects, or scheduling future actions.
- EngineBehaviour: A function defining how an engine responds to evaluated guards and decides on an effect.
- Engine: The core representation of an engine, combining its status, configuration, state, and behaviour.
- EngineMsg: Structure of messages exchanged between engines, including sender and target identifiers, mailbox, communication pattern, message kind, and the message content itself.
Simon Fowler, Duncan Paul Attard, Franciszek Sowul, Simon J. Gay, and Phil Trinder. Special delivery: programming with mailbox types. Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, 7(ICFP):78–107, August 2023. URL:, doi:10.1145/3607832. ↩↩
William Douglas Clinger. Foundations of Actor Semantics. PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 1981. URL: ↩
Yes, we can do fancy monads for effects, but that's for a future version. ↩
This is in analogy to Dijkstra's Guarded Command Language. ↩