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Juvix imports

module node_architecture.types.engine_dynamics;

import node_architecture.types.basics open;
import node_architecture.types.messages open;
import node_architecture.types.identities open;
import node_architecture.types.engine_environment open;
import node_architecture.types.anoma_environment as Anoma;
import node_architecture.types.anoma_message as Anoma;

Engine dynamics

Each engine processes only one message at a time. The behaviour of an engine is specified by a finite set of guards and an action function, which determine how engine instances react to received messages or timer notifications.


Guards are terms of type Guard, which is a function type

{-# isabelle-ignore: true #-}
Guard (S M H A L X : Type) : Type :=
(t : TimestampedTrigger H)
-> (env : EngineEnvironment S M H)
-> Option (GuardOutput A L X);

where the trigger of type TimestampedTrigger H is a term that captures the message received with a timestamp or a clock notification about timers that have elapsed during the engine's operation. Guards return data of type GuardOutput A L X if the precondition of the action that they are guarding is met.

Recall that the behaviour is described by a set of guards and an action function. The guard is a function that evaluates conditions in the engine environment to determine what action should be performed; for this, each guard creates an action label, that then is "interpreted" by the action function.

The guard function receives:

  • the timestamped trigger that caused guard evaluation,
  • the environment of the engine instance, and
  • an optional time reference for the starting point of the evaluation of all guards.

Given these inputs, the guard function computes a set of action labels. The action function then computes the effects of the action label; besides changes to the engine environment, an action effect comprises sending messages, creating new engine instances, and updating timers.

Action function

The input is parameterised by the types for: local state (S), mailbox state (M), timer handles (H), matched arguments (A), action labels (L), and precomputation results (X). The types of the input and output of an action are the following two:

  • ActionInput S M H A L X and
  • ActionEffect S M H A L X.

The record type ActionInput S M H A L X encapsulates the following data:

  • A term of type GuardOutput A L X, which represents
  • the matched arguments, e.g., from a received message,
  • the action label that determines the action to be performed
  • other (expensive) precomputation results that the guard function has to calculate and can be resued by the action function.
  • The environment of the corresponding engine instance.
  • The local time of the engine instance when guard evaluation was triggered.
type GuardOutput (A L X : Type) :=
mkGuardOutput {
args : List A;
label : L;
other : X

<!- - --8<-- [start: whole-guard-type] -->

{-# isabelle-ignore: true #-}
Guard (S M H A L X : Type) : Type :=
(t : TimestampedTrigger H)
-> (env : EngineEnvironment S M H)
-> Option (GuardOutput A L X);

Action input

type ActionInput (S M H A L X : Type) :=
mkActionInput {
guardOutput : GuardOutput A L X;
env : EngineEnvironment S M H;
timestampedTrigger : TimestampedTrigger H

Action effect

The ActionEffect S M H A L X type defines the results produced by the action, which can be

  • Update its environment (while leaving the name unchanged).
  • Produce a set of messages to be sent to other engine instances.
  • Set, discard, or supersede timers.
  • Define new engine instances to be created.
type ActionEffect (S M H A L X : Type) :=
mkActionEffect {
newEnv : EngineEnvironment S M H;
producedMessages : List EngineMessage;
timers : List (Timer H);
spawnedEngines : List Anoma.Env
{-# isabelle-ignore: true #-}
ActionFunction (S M H A L X : Type) : Type :=
(input : ActionInput S M H A L X) -> ActionEffect S M H A L X;
On creating new engine instances

To create new engine instances, we need to specify the following data:

  • A unique name for the new engine instance.
  • The initial state of the engine instance.
  • The corresponding set of guards and the action function.

The last point is however implicit.

If the guard does not give a result, this means that none of its guarded actions are triggered.

On the type signature of the guard function

In principle, borrowing terminology from Hoare logic, a guard is a precondition to run an action. The corresponding predicate is activated by a trigger and evaluated within the context of the engine's environment. It then returns a boolean when the predicate is satisfied, specifically of type

Trigger H -> EngineEnvironment S M H -> Bool;

However, as a design choice, guards will return additional data of type GuardOutput A L X that may or may not use the engine environment if the condition is met. Thus, if the guard is satisfied, this data (of type GuardOutput A L X) is assumed to be passed to the action function. Then, if the guard is not satisfied, no data is returned.

Conflict resolution

Finally, conflictSolver is a function that takes a finite set of action labels as input; it outputs a list of action label sets that are pairwise disjoint and whose union is the input set or is empty, if conflict resolution fails. And for each element of the output it should be that if applied to this element, it returns the one element list of the set itself.

conflictSolver : Set A -> List (Set A);