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Juvix imports

module node_architecture.types.engine_family;

import prelude open;
import node_architecture.types.identities open;
import node_architecture.types.engine_environment open public;
import node_architecture.types.engine_dynamics open public;

Engine family type

The EngineFamily type encapsulates the concept of engines within Anoma. As defined, it clears up that engines are essentially a collection of guarded state-transition functions. Our type for these families is parameterised by a type for their local states, a type for their mailboxes' state, a type for time handles, a type for action-label action, and a type for the precomputation. We usually refer to the type for the local states as S, for the mailboxes' state as M, for the time handles as H, for the action-label as A, for the precomputation as L, and for the external inputs as X.

type EngineFamily (S M H A L X : Type) :=
mkEngineFamily {
guards : List (Guard S M H A L X);
action : ActionFunction S M H A L X;
conflictSolver : Set A -> List (Set A)

On the use of List for guards in EngineFamily

The EngineFamily type uses List for guards to enable parallel processing. This choice acknowledges that guards can be concurrent or competing, with the latter requiring priority assignment to resolve non-determinism. While guards should form a set, using List simplifies the implementation and provides an inherent ordering.

Engine instance type

Additionally, we define the Engine type, which represents an engine within a family. A term of this Engine type is referred to as an engine instance. Each engine instance is associated with a specific name and a family of engines, plus a declaration of its own execution context, that is, the specific state, mailbox cluster, acquaintances, and timers.

type Engine (S M H A L X : Type) :=
mkEngine {
name : EngineName;
family : EngineFamily S M H A L X;
initEnv : EngineEnvironment S M H

Voting Engine Family

As an example, we could define an engine family for voting:

  • S could be a record with fields like votes, voters, and results.
  • The engine-specific message type might be a coproduct of Vote and Result.
  • The guarded actions may include actions like:
    • storeVote to store a vote in the local state,
    • computeResult to compute the result of the election, and
    • announceResult to send the result to some other engine instances.

With each different election or kind of voters, we obtain a new engine instance, while the underlining voting system, the voting engine family, remains the same.


Both the EngineFamily and Engine types are parameterised by several types. When not used in the context of a new engine family declaration, these types can be replaced by the unit type Unit.