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This section describes an example of a simplified version of the Proof-of-Stake application. The goal of the PoS protocol is to assign voting power in the BFT consensus algorithm: users delegate their tokens to validators, the voting power of each validator is determined from the amount of tokens delegated to them. The delegated tokens are locked for a period of time, so that if the validator misbehaves, this behaviour could be tracked and reacted on by burning a part of the delegated tokens. This application can be a useful building block for other applications or, more generally, for the contexts that require a decision-making mechanism.


Role Description
User The party that delegates tokens to validators, expressing a certain degree of agreement with the decisions the validator makes on the user's behalf.
Pool The account that stores (owns) delegated tokens. Can be implemented with a generic account resource kind
Validator The party that participates in the consensus algorithm, voting for decisions. The voting power is determined by how much token the users delegate to the validator.

Resource kinds

Resource kind Description Create Consume
Token Governance token used to distribute the voting power Generic token logic Generic token logic
Pool Special type of the token owner account that owns all bonds Generic account logic Generic account logic
Bond Represents a bonded token delegated to a validator. Always owned by the pool Requires the user to send their assets to the pool Can be consumed to create a withdrawal.
Withdrawal Represents the asset in the process of undelegation Created from a bond Can be consumed when the portion of assets remaining after the slashing is performed is sent from the pool to the user, strictly after \(W_{unlock}\)
Infraction Represents a proof of misbehaviour of a certain validator Created provided a proof of misbehaviour Never consumed
Voting power Contains the distribution of voting power among the validators Can be created provided a proof of correct computation of voting power from the existing bonds Never consumed


Field Description
\(B_{quantity}\) How much token is bonded. Used to determine the voting power
\(B_{validator}\) Refers to the validator the token is delegated to
\(B_{owner}\) Refers to the delegator

Bond logic

  • Create:

    • Verify \(T\) kind to be the governance token kind (for both the created and consumed resource)
    • A token resource \(T\) was transferred from \(T_{owner}\) to the pool:
      • Consumed token resource belonged to \(T_{owner}\)
      • Created token resource belongs to the pool
      • \(T_{quantity}^{consumed} = T_{quantity}^{created}\)
    • \(B_{quantity}\) = \(T_{quantity}\)
    • \(B_{owner}\) = \(T_{owner}\)
  • Consume:

    • A withdrawal of kind \(W\) is consumed
      • Verify \(W\) kind


Field Description
\(W_{validator}\) refers to the validator the token is delegated to
\(W_{owner}\) refers to the delegator
\(W_{unlock}\) defines the time after which the resource can be consumed

Withdrawal logic

  • Create:

    • A bond of kind \(B\) is consumed
      • Verify \(B\) kind
    • \(W_{quantity} = B_{quantity}\)
    • \(W_{validator} = B_{validator}\)
    • \(W_{owner}\) = \(B_{owner}\)
    • \(W_{unlock} = now + U\), where \(U\) is a constant value
  • Consume:

    • Verify \(T\) kind to be the governance token kind (for both the created and consumed resource)
    • A token resource \(T\) was transferred from the pool to \(W_{owner}\):
      • Consumed token resource belonged to the pool
      • Created token resource belongs to \(W_{owner}\)
      • \(T_{quantity}^{consumed} = T_{quantity}^{created}\)
    • \(T_{quantity}\) = \(W_{quantity}*\Pi{(1 - I_{rate})}\), where \(I_{rate}\) is the infraction rate of infraction \(I\) associated with this validator (iterate over all infractions created between the delegation and \(W_{unlock}\) time)
    • \(W_{owner}\) = \(T_{owner}\)


Field Description
\(I_{validator}\) committed the misbehaviour
\(I_{rate}\) infraction rate determines how much to slash
\(I_{timestamp}\) defines when the misbehaviour was committed

Infraction logic

  • Create:
    • Verify a proof of misbehaviour of the validator \(I_{validator}\) at \(I_{timestamp}\)
  • Consume:
    • Never


Field Description
\(VP_{map}\) contains a map between validators and their current voting power
\(VP_{timestamp}\) defines the time period for which the voting power is computed

VotingPower logic

  • Create:
    • Provided with all bonds (read data, not consumed), iterate over them and compute the voting power for each validator: \(VP_{map}[V] = \Sigma_{B_{validator} = V}{B_{quantity}}\)
  • Consume:
    • Never

PoS application

Application logic

\(l_{PoS} = \{l_{Token}, l_{Pool}, l_{Bond}, l_{Withdrawal}, l_{Infraction}, l_{VotingPower}\}\)

Application interface

  1. Delegate: Transfer the token from \(T_{owner}\) to the pool, create a Bond resource.
  2. Undelegate: Consume a Bond resource, create a Withdrawal resource.
  3. Withdraw: Consume a Withdrawal resource, transfer the corresponding token (accounting for the relevant infractions) from the pool to \(W_{owner}\).
  4. Slash: Create an Infraction resource provided a proof of misbehaviour.
  5. Calculate voting power: Create a VotingPower resource with \(VP_{timestamp} = now\).
The interface provided by the proof-of-stake application