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  • What should this type be now?
  • Is everything just a provable VM?
  • VM gives the semantics to interpret the function, which seems necessary.
  • We have some type of assumptions \(Assumption\)
  • \(prove_n\) generates the proof of type \(Proof_n\)
  • \(assumptions_n\) returns the assumptions required for a proof
  • \(verify_n\) verifies a proof of type \(Proof_n\)


We define a set of structures required to define a proving system \(PS\) as follows:

  • Proof \(\pi: PS.Proof\)
  • Instance \(x: PS.Instance\) is the public input used to produce a proof.
  • Witness \(w: PS.Witness\) is the private input used to produce a proof.
  • Proving key \(pk: PS.ProvingKey\) contains the secret data required to produce a proof for a pair \((x, w)\).
  • Verifying key \(vk: PS.VerifyingKey\) contains the data required, along with the witness \(x\), to verify a proof \(\pi\).

A proof record carries the components required to verify a proof. It is defined as a composite structure \(PR = (\pi, x, vk): ProofRecord\), where:

  • \(ProofRecord = PS.VerifyingKey \times PS.Instance \times PS.Proof\)
  • \(vk: PS.VerifyingKey\)
  • \(x: PS.Instance\)
  • \(\pi: PS.Proof\) is the proof of the desired statement

A proving system \(PS\) consists of a pair of algorithms, \((Prove, Verify)\):

  • \(Prove(pk, x, w): PS.ProvingKey \times PS.Instance \times PS.Witness \rightarrow PS.Proof\)
  • \(Verify(pr): PS.ProofRecord \rightarrow \mathbb{F}_b\)

A proving system must have the following properties:

  • Completeness: it must be possible to make a proof for a statement which is true.
  • Soundness: it must not be possible to make a proof for a statement which is false.

Certain proving systems may also be Zero-Knowledge, meaning that the produced proofs reveal no information other than their own validity.

A proof \(\pi\) for which \(Verify(pr) = 1\) is considered valid.

For example, let's take three common instantiations:

  • The trivial scheme is one where computation is simply replicated. The trivial scheme is defined as verify(a, b, predicate, _) = predicate a b (with proof type ()). It has no extra security assumptions but is not succinct.

  • The trusted delegation scheme is one where computation is delegated to a known, trusted party whose work is not checked. The trusted delegation scheme is defined as verify(a, b, predicate, proof) = checkSignature (a, b, predicate) proof, where the trusted party is assumed to produce such a signature only if predicate a b = 1. This scheme is succinct but requires a trusted party assumption (which could be generalised to a threshold quorum in the obvious way). Note that since the computation is still verifiable, a signer of (a, b, predicate) where predicate a b = 0 could be held accountable by anyone else who later checked the predicate.

  • The succinct proof-of-knowledge scheme is one where the result of computation is attested to with a cryptographic proof (of the sort commonly instantiated by modern-day SNARKs & STARKs). Succint proof-of-knowledge schemes provide succinctness as well as veriability subject to the scheme-specific cryptographic assumptions. They may also possibly be zero-knowledge, in which the verifier learns nothing other than predicate a b = 1 (in this case, and in others, a and b will often be "hidden" with hash functions, such that the verifier knows only hash a and hash b but the substance of the relation obtains over the preimages).