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Hash function

The protocol is parameterized over a set of hash functions \(h\). For a function \(h\), we denote the output finite field of \(h\) as \(\mathbb{F}_h\). If a function \(h\) is used to derive a component \(x\), we refer to the function as \(h_x\), and the corresponding to \(h\) finite field is denoted as \(\mathbb{F}_{h_x}\), or, for simplicity, \(\mathbb{F}_x\).

All \(h_x\) must be:

  • one-way, in that it is not computationally feasible for any agent to compute the preimage from the hash output
  • collision-resistant, in that it is not computationally feasible for any agent to find two different preimages which hash to the same value


We define the multihash function multihash as the concatenation of:

  • a k-bit unsigned integer prefix \(n\)
  • the output of \(h_n\)

Canonical commitments are generated by multihash.