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The multiencode function takes a DataValue and a set of preferences, and tries to encode it in a bytestring according to those preferences. Preferences determine which encoding scheme(s) is/are chosen, and whether or not we attempt to convert between virtual machine representations (requiring compilation, which may not be supported in all cases). Multiformat codes will be included to indicate which formats are in use (see here for a longer description of how this works). In general, canonical commitments to data and code are made over the output of multiencode. Multiencoding is also used before storing data or sending it over the network. Any party should be able to take any piece of stored or sent data and a type and attempt to deserialise it with multidecode.

multiencode : Preferences -> DataValue -> Bytestring


The multidecode function takes a value in bytestring representation and tries to decode it into an internal representation, according to the multiformat information and the encoding schemes known by the decoding party. Attempting to decode unknown formats will result in an error.

multidecode : Bytestring -> DataType -> Maybe DataValue


Note that, in general, equality of multiencoded representations implies equality of data values, but equality of data values does not imply equality of multiencoded representations (as different encoding schemes may be used). Phrased more succinctly:

  1. multiencode a = multiencode ba = b
  2. multiencode a /= multiencode b does not imply a != b


In general, canonical commitments to data and code are made over the output of multiencode. Implication (1) guarantees that (subject to the usual cryptographic assumptions) equality of two succinct commitments (cryptographic hash function applied to the multiencoded value) implies equality of the data values so encoded and committed to.

Multiencoding is also used before storing data or sending it over the network. Any party who knows the encoding scheme table should be able to take any piece of stored or sent data and deserialise it with multidecode.


The multievaluate function evaluates the application of a function to a value. Whenever multievaluate encounters a FunctionV n f, it looks up the appropriate virtual machine as specified by the natural index \(n\), decodes \(f\) using \(decode_n\), then calls \(evaluate_n\), tracking and summing the gas used in subsequent evaluations.


This implies a uniform gas scale, which we elide the details of for now, but would probably require e.g. benchmarking on the hardware in question.

multievaluate :
  DataValue ->
  [DataValue] ->
  Natural ->
  Maybe (DataValue, Natural)

Recursive multievaluation

What if one VM is passed a data value including a FunctionV represented in a different VM? The VM in question can treat this code as data - in the sense that it can examine, introspect, modify it, etc. - but it cannot treat this code as code, since it doesn't know how to interpret functions represented in another VM (in general). However, we can allow one VM to call another easily enough simply by passing a pointer to multievaluate itself into the evaluation context. Then, when it encounters a function encoded for a different VM which it wishes to evaluate, the VM can simply call multievaluate, tracking gas consumption as appropriate. This technique can also be used to allow for something such as a data query, where data queries are represented as functions understood by a specific, specialized VM.


There's some ABI/FFI memory layout logic to be figured out here - multievaluate must be called with a function and arguments formatted as DataValues - this should be specified in detail.


What if we wish to convert functions between different VM representations? We can define a multicompile function which attempts to compile functions represented in a data value based on a set of preferences. For example, preferences could be to convert all functions to a particular VM, or to convert where conversions are known in some order of preference. Compilation will fail if unknown VM conversions are attempted.

Multicompilation depends on a known set of conversions \(compile_{i,j}\) which convert between \(VM_i.t\) and \(VM_j.t\) representations of functions, which must preserve extensional equality under evaluation.

multicompile :
  Preferences ->
  DataValue ->
  Maybe DataValue
Equality proofs

With multicompilation, we can create evidence that a = b, where a and b are arbitrary data values, including functions (where multiencode a /= multiencode b). This evidence would consist simply of a proof that multicompile prefs a = b for some preferences prefs. This proof could be of varying practical forms - the verifier could simply run multicompile themselves, the verifier could trust another's run of multicompile, or the verifier could check a succinct proof of computational correctness. Many details are elided here for now.

Smart multievaluation

With multicompilation and equality proofs, we can also define a version of multievaluate which uses available evidence + preferences intelligently at evaluation time to use certain known-to-be-equivalent versions of functions (e.g. compiled versions) instead of others. Then known optimized versions of functions can be used, and even something like “JIT” compilation can happen e.g. asychronously once certain statistical thresholds are met. Optionally, this “smart multievaluate” can also use known proofs of the results of certain evaluations (instead of repeating the evaluations), where provable VMs are involved.