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Data type

The protocol standardises basic types and general algebraic data types. All messages sent and received within and between nodes and all parts of state must have an associated data type. Data types used by the protocol itself are fixed a priori (by this specification). Implementation languges will typically represent these types as native types in their typesystem, such that the implementation language can provide typechecking. Data types used by applications are chosen by application authors, serialised, and passed around at runtime in order to handle data appropriately.


Basic types

A basic type is defined as either:

  • a finite set type, of order \(n\)
  • a natural number type (arbitrary-size)
  • a function type from one data type to another data type
type BasicType :=
  | FinSetT Nat
  | NatT
  | FunctionT DataType DataType


This set of basic types is minimal, designed only to distinguish between fixed-size values, variable-size values, and functions. Other semantic information (e.g. whether a finite set value is intended to represent a ring or a finite field) will be tracked at a separate layer.

Data types

A data type is defined as either:

  • a basic type
  • a product of other data types
  • a coproduct of other data types


Here [] is used as shorthand notation for an ordered list of at least one element.


Here [] is used as shorthand notation for an ordered list of at least one element.

type DataType :=
  | BasicT BasicType
  | ProductT [DataType]
  | CoproductT [DataType]


Basic values

A basic value is defined as either:

  • a natural number value \(n\)
  • a function value (represented with a particular virtual machine, identified by a natural number)
type BasicValue :=
  | NatV Nat
  | FunctionV Nat Bytestring

Data values

A data value is defined as either:

  • a basic value
  • a tuple of other data values (inhabitant of a product type)
  • a option with an index and a data value (inhabitant of a coproduct type)
type DataValue :=
  | BasicV BasicValue
  | TupleV [DataValue]
  | OptionV Nat DataValue


The typechecking relation

typecheck : DataValue -> DataType -> Boolean

can be implemented in the obvious manner. Typechecking functions would require typechecking support from particular virtual machines, which isn’t covered for now, but could be added in the future in a straightforward way.